Once the model was complete, it
was time to animate.
We decided that it would be cool for the opening credit
sequence to be displayed on the faces of tombstones. While
we could have shot the footage in a nearby historical cemetery
and composite new faces onto the stones, 3D animation won
out because it offered greater visual impact. |
We decided early on that we didn't want to put blood on
Bonnie or the floor for a flashback scene in the movie. It
would be too messy and ruin Bonnie's closthes. So with Photoshop
and FCP we were able to add it in post. Click here
to see the "before and after" clip. |
I think the look of the blood worked out better this way
saved time on the light set-up. |
Once in post, we noticed how badly the mic shadow got into
one of the 360æ shots, so we removed it. |
With the mic shadow taken care of we noticed that Jake and
Erik were in the shot and needed to be removed. Click the
image below to see the "before and after" clip. |